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New York City - Site Mix
29 images
Created 6 Aug 2011
New York City: a mix of interesting sites
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Apple Store, New York_mg_9451.jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Broad Channel, Queens, New York_mg_0...jpg
Brooklyn, New York_mg_9408.jpg
Brooklyn, New York_mg_9520-2.jpg
Central Park,New York_mg_9444.jpg
Chelsea, New York_mg_0536.jpg
Chelsea, New York_mg_0539.jpg
Coney Island, New York_mg_0321.jpg
Coney Island, New York_mg_0325.jpg
Laurie Anderson, MOMA, New York_mg_0...jpg
National Museum of Americans Indians...jpg
National Museum of Americans Indians...jpg
Park Pl., Brooklyn, New York_mg_0389.jpg
Park Pl., Brooklyn, New York_mg_0392.jpg
Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New Yo...jpg
Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New Yo...jpg
Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New Yo...jpg
Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New Yo...jpg
Staten Island, New York_mg_0726.jpg
Underground, New York_mg_9464.jpg
Union Square, New York_mg_0036.jpg
Upper East Side, New York_mg_9124.jpg
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York_mg_...jpg
Alessandro Zanini Photography
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